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Crosswords? Blake knows her. 

Phoebe Robertson

Words by: Phoebe Robertson (she/her)


Blake is a fifth-year student juggling part-time work in government with the chaos of uni life. They’ve been a Salient reader since 2020, still hanging onto a copy from their first week at Vic. As their studies wrap up at the end of Tri Two, Blake’s passion for creating crosswords might keep them contributing to Salient, even after they graduate. And when they’re not crafting puzzles, you’ll find them glued to Formula 1, which probably gave away the theme of last year’s ‘Multi 21’ crossword.

Blake’s journey into crossword-making kicked off in March last year after reading a particularly scathing anonymous letter to the editor. The editors suggested the writer try making their own crossword if they were so critical. Blake, a notorious procrastinator, decided to take up the challenge. They got so caught up in creating their first crossword that they completely forgot about a tutorial and ended up late. Despite thinking their first attempt was ‘absolute dogshit,’ they sent it in anyway. The editors then connected Blake with Puck, who gave them some much-needed guidance. With Puck’s help, Blake’s crosswords soon became publishable. Seeing their work in print gave Blake a thrill, and they started cranking out puzzles at a rapid pace, learning from each bit of feedback. Interestingly, crosswords aren’t even Blake’s favourite word game; they’ve been solving Simon Shuker’s code crackers for ages and are also into WordFit. But they always look forward to tackling the Salient crossword on Mondays before lectures—unless it’s one they’ve made, which they admit is a bit boring to solve.

Blake loves the creative freedom that comes with making crosswords. They get a kick out of sneaking in clever bits of wordplay and slipping in clues about topics they’re passionate about, like Formula 1. Knowing their work can brighten someone’s Monday morning or give them a challenge is incredibly rewarding. Being part of something bigger, contributing to Salient’s content, and seeing their work enjoyed by other students is pretty cool.

Blake wants readers to know that the crosswords are made by a fellow student—it could be the person sitting right next to them in class. One of Blake’s proudest creations this year was the ‘Channel Orange’ grid, themed around Frank Ocean. It took a lot of collaboration with Puck, but the end result was worth it. Even though they haven’t heard any feedback on it, Blake is just glad they managed to produce a workable grid. Their favourite grid published this year was ‘Wordplay’. It had plenty of overlap and fun clues, making it a hit with solvers, and it even got some love on the VuW Confessions page, which was a pleasant surprise.

Knowing that people enjoy their crosswords keeps Blake motivated. Their grandad and best friend are two of their biggest supporters. Their best friend tested all of Blake’s crosswords until she graduated, giving her stamp of approval on every grid. For Christmas, Blake made a small book of crosswords for their grandad, who loved the handmade gift. Knowing that Salient readers appreciate their work makes all the effort worth it. If their crossword is even one reason someone picks up the issue that week, Blake feels they’ve done their job.

For anyone keen to try their hand at crossword creation, Blake has plenty of advice. They once wrote a pamphlet with a guide to crossword-making for a friend. Their top tips are to make sure the crossword is accurate, symmetrical, and suited to the audience. Fact-checking is crucial to avoid mistakes and angry letters to the editor. Symmetry makes the crossword look better and easier to solve, and understanding the audience ensures it’s fun but challenging. Blake recommends using the free software Qxw to create grids, a tool they found thanks to Puck.

Blake’s path from being a casual reader to a regular Salient contributor shows how a simple challenge can turn into something truly rewarding. Their knack for crafting engaging crosswords, honed through feedback and collaboration, has made them a valued part of the magazine’s crew. As they get ready to finish uni, Blake’s crosswords stand as a testament to their creativity and passion. Whether they keep contributing after they graduate or not, Blake has definitely left their mark on Salient, showing that even the smallest contributions can have a big impact.

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