Maybe I’ve been watching too much American news, but it really feels like in the age of digital media and online rabbit holes, elections have brought out the worst in people. This is why it’s so refreshing to participate in an election that does the opposite. The Bird of the Year (BOTY) election, launched in 2005 by Michael Szabo, then-editor of Forest & Bird, presents itself as a lighthearted and fun event, but it hasn’t been without its share of controversies. Here’s a recap:
Notable scandals include fraudulent votes for the kōkako in 2015, the white-faced heron in 2017, and the little spotted kiwi in 2020. The 2021 inclusion of the long-tailed bat, a non-bird, sparked debate but ultimately won. In 2023, John Oliver’s campaign for the Southern crested grebe attracted a record-breaking 350,000 votes, despite 40,000 fraudulent votes for the eastern rockhopper penguin. Despite these issues, Forest & Bird welcomed the increased international attention and donations exceeding $600,000.
This year, Salient and VUWSA have ruined their harmonious relationship to campaign for two different birds, the Kororā (Salient) and Karure (VUWSA). But we’re not the only ones on the campaign trail. ASB is campaigning for the miromiro, WCC has thrown support behind the Kororā, The Green Party are backing the ngutuparore, MUSA is campaigning for the Kawau tikitiki, Meridian Energy is campaigning for the Kākāpō.
As for our MP’s, Chris Hipkins is supporting the Hoiho as “not only is it one of the rarest penguin species in the world, but they nest around the edges of Wellington Harbour and are super cute. Go Hoiho!”. James Meager is supporting the kākā because his cousin from Nelson College told him so (he and his social studies class are running a kākāmpaign).
If you want to be involved in all this drama, head to forest and bird’s website and submit your vote !! Voting closes on the 15th of September.