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Rhonda Thomson

Te kaupapa o Te Ao Mārama: 'Poipoia te kākano kia puawai'

He pā mataora. He pā kaiao. He pā anamata

Rhona Thomson | Ngāi Tahu


E kokea ana ngā whakaritenga mō te whakarauoratanga o te whakaohonga o te mauri o te Tumu Herenga Waka, me te whakatūwheratanga o te Pā Mataora. He nui ngā mahi ki te huawaere tika i ngā ritenga me te whakahāngai i tō ngā tāngata kawatau. Ā-hirahira nei, he āheitanga mīharo te whakatūwheratanga nei, kia whakūngia ai te whanaungatanga ki waenga i a mātou ko te mana whenua, ngā ākonga o mua me te hapori whānui, ā, ki te whakanui i ā mātou tutukitanga. 

Hei te kawanga whare i te 6 o Tīhema o tēnei tau, ka whakatūwherahia e mātou te Pā Mataora, he whare e hapahapai ake i te tangata me te whenua. Ka tūwhera te kaupapa nei ki te katoa, ā, e whakaneinei ana mātou ka tau mai neke atu i te 1000 whānau, manuhiri anō hoki. 

Heoi, mutu ana te kawanga whare, kātahi te whare ka tūwhera -- haere ake nei whakamahia ai. Tē taea te tū noa me te kī, ‘Whare ora, mahia atu’. Ki a tātou katoa te mahinga atu. Ko te whakatakanga o Te Pā mataora ko, Mō te āpōpō. Me tapatahi tātou ki tēnei moemoeā, mō te ao, mō te iwi, e puāwai ai tēnei whakakitenga o te Pā Mataora. 

Ko te motuhaketanga o roto i te wāhi nei tētahi o ngā mea e whakaarotia nei e mātou. Ko te āwangawanga, ka pokea e te hunga mahi kino ana. Ko te hunga hia tāpui i te wāhi nei, nā runga noa i tā rātou kite, he whare anō hei haere mā rātou. Nā te mea he marae Māori, ā, he hapori whakaako anō hoki, ko tā mātou, he whakahaere i roto ngā tikanga, ā, kia mōhioita ai mātou mō tō mātou motuhaketanga. 

Me whakamāori anō te pūtake o te marae me te hanganga o te Whare Mataora, kia mārama pū te marea, ehara noa tēnei i te whare matatini. Me nui ā matou akoako, whakaakoako i a mātou anō, mō mātou ake. Me whakaaro mātou, mō ā mātou mahi e hāngai ai ki te tikanga, ā, me te mahi i te mahi tika, ki tēnei wāhi hou. Engari, me kaua mātou e pōkai kaha rawa. He wā whakanui tēnei, te whakatūwheratanga, ā, kei runga i a tātou katoa te haepapa ki te hāpai ake i te kōunga o te Whare Mataora me te tohu o tō mātou marae.


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